Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Here is the final art for the the drawings submitted before. You can see some differences but all in all they are similar. Boba Fett's head was cocked off to the side. Which I thought was a better pose. It shows a little more cocky attitude. But I was told to change it. I still think it works. Originally I had Leia with this super-massive gun. I thought it looked cool. Again I was told to change it. I couldn't argue with reasoning, they wanted it to be a stormtrooper's gun like the movie. No changes on the stormtrooper or Darth Vader. The shirts flew of the shelf. Later I even spotted it on a guy who looked exactly like what I pictured the demopgraphic we were hitting.


Andrew Glazebrook said...

These are all brilliant !!!!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Oh yeah and not a prequel character in sight !!